“Most of us have been traumatized by the pandemic and some of us still carry scars from the AIDS crisis decades ago. Now, gay men appear to be susceptible to yet another virus. What we don’t want or need is another virus that is easily spread through intimate contact. But this is what gay men in Europe and now around the world are facing with monkeypox.

Monkeypox sounds like some obscure, unlikely and unsightly virus you might catch on vacation to some far-flung place, but increasingly it’s looking like it’s on our back doorsteps and in our back pockets through socializing or hooking up. Take sex-positive Baltimore nurse Brian Thomas, who recently caught it on a vacation to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and returned home only to find painful blisters appearing a couple of days later along with other debilitating symptoms…”

Monkeypox Gay Men

[Read the full article at bearworldmag.com]