Palm Springs has an extensive system of bike paths and lanes all over the city.  Click [here] to download a PDF of the City of Palm Springs Bicycle Map, featuring the following types of bike paths and routes.

Class 1 Bike Path
provides a completely separated right of way for the exclusive use of bicycles and pedestrians with cross- flow minimized. Provides a striped lane for one-way bike travel on a street or highway adjacent to auto travel lanes.
Class 1 Bike Path
Class 2 Bike Lane
Provides an unprotected striped lane for one-way bike travel on a street or highway.
Class 2 Bike Lane
Class 3 Bike Route
A signed, shared roadway that provides shared use with pedestrians or motor vehicle traffic, typically on lower volume roadways. The roadway may have pavement marked with a “sharrow,” and there will be signs posted identifying it as a bike route.
Class 3 Bike Route
Class 4 Mixed Use Bike Route
also known as cycle tracks, provide space that is exclusively for bicyclists and separated from motor vehicle travel lanes, parking lanes, and sidewalks.
Class 4 Mixed Use Bike Route

PDF Download:

City of Palm Springs Bicycle Map